38 Pounds and a Bottle of Rum

Okay, it wasn’t a bottle of rum – it was wine, beer, broccoli, tilapia and other good things that came home from the store in my bike trailer!

Of late – I’ve been trying to do more errands on foot and on bike, rather then get in my car. I know – I have a lot of company. It’s funny, though – because it’s not so much the price of gas as the combination of fuel prices, food prices, more info about the environment – and it all adds up in a tipping point sort of way. I can afford the gas, and the food, and so on – but – it just all added up in a more compelling way than before.

So – Puja and I have been cycling to the store with Bobby, my bike trailer. Today, it was about 38 pounds of groceries (good for a week or more) that came back up the hill with us. It’s turned shopping (not a favorite to do item of mine) into something  lot more fun: Puja and I get to ride our bikes together, we get to consume a little less gas together, we bring home less paper together, we get in better shape together – and we still eat delicious food together – the end result.

It would help if the weather were chronically nicer – but for now – we can generally find at least one day a week to ride to work and another to go to the store. But I bet that fenders and a kickstand are in my future!

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